Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The boxes have taken over.

So - the hubby and I are officially moving this weekend. We get keys Saturday afternoon - let the wallpaper ravage of '08 commence! We're so excited about this we purchased paint a week in advance! Oh how I love a good, rich taupe....this house is only a rental so neutral it is. We also purchased a new, king size, bed - the hubby is uber stoked about the idea of sleeping whole inches away from the heater of a woman he married. Apparently I'm hot. :)

As for the blanket that I vowed would be finished soon...welllllll, that may not be the case. All I have left is the 3 inch border, so it should go quickly however - naturally I come to the end of my ball of yarn just as I begin the border - no big deal I have another skein. So I go to find the end of the yarn and for whatever reason this is the skein from Hell and I pull literally 4 separate huge rat nest looking knots out of the middle. It took me the better part of an hour to unravel and find a knittable piece of yarn. It has since been saved and a lovely centerfeed ball is all but completely wound, however this hunt and peck took up all my knitting time which is severely limited these days, (see above paragraph about MOVING). All that being said, I do think this is the cast off week for the Green Hoover Blanket, i.e. Summer 2008. I'm sure I'll throw pics up upon completion. More exciting, hopefully there will be pictures of Baby Jax's blanket-to-be upon cast on. I'm ready for new yarn.

Speaking of new yarn, I have to give props to my hubby, the best husband in the world, who accompanied me to a lovely LYS (local yarn store) this weekend. He did so without ANY complaints, and even had some opinions of the yarns we looked at - turns out he favors the feel pure silk but the cost of pure acrylic, no surprise there. I think when I return to said LYS, I will return alone, or at least with someone with whom I do not share a bank account.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some things are unduly difficult...

Like starting this blog, for instance. I have been contemplating the idea of this blog for a while and have been kicking around a few names for it. I begged the hubby for help, as he is ridiculously clever - his first suggestion "clicking needles" was just him being snarky. "Knitting is the new rad" was good enough to give me pause, but was more HIM than I went to my dear friend and coworker for help. Together we came up with a few gems, among them was my personal favorite "My friends don't call anymore because I knit." I took a quick poll (love the people I work with) and while it was voted most popular it was also deemed to be too lengthy for this humble blog - so "All I Talk About is Yarn" it is!

Since this is a KNITTING blog, I'll start things off right by posting what I have on my needles right now.

This is the Hoover Blanket. It has taken absolutely forever and I'm ALMOST done. Hopefully I can get some good knitting time in tonight and I'll be able to cast off this week. The baby that it is meant for (hubby's coworker) was born (or "extracted" as the hubby puts it) last Friday. They didn't find out the gender until the birth, so the green worked. It's a boy! Hopefully the little guy won't mind all the silly little mistakes I made. I almost don't want to gift this item but it would be a shame for something so soft and cushy to go to waste in the bottom of my FO bin. I can't wait to see it all blocked and done, and most importantly OFF THE NEEDLES!

So what's up next? Another Hoover Blanket, naturally :) This one is for someone I actually know and love dearly though plus I'm pretty pumped about the yarn I've chosen for her baby.