Monday, September 22, 2008

Can I get some electricity with that hurricane, please?

So much has happened while I've not been blogging - 1) the hubby and I moved into a new old house, experienced the agony of scrapping wallpaper off of walls in three bedrooms, then painting said walls, 2) dealt with a rat invader, 3) lived through a hurricane, and 4) cast off the Hoover blanket!

1) The move itself was uneventful, but all the preparation for the move was ick. And seriously I think wallpaper should be made illegal. At least when a paint color doesn't work out or goes out of style or starts looking dingy, you just paint over it - not that big of a deal. Wallpaper however is, in my experience anyway, almost always instantly a mistake. An expensive mistake in most cases, and one that is incredibly hard to rectify. I made a horrible wallpaper decision as a child that I was forced to live with for 6 years. The sad thing is that that horrible wallpaper is STILL in that house, terrorizing tenants, to this day. Plaid. Ugh. Why? That being said, never made the wallpaper mistake again. Of course that doesn't mean I'm not dearly paying for other people's mistakes.....oh hideousness, in THREE bedrooms, the bathroom, and HORROR of all horrors, the KITCHEN. Took us three very long days to get the bedrooms done, I imagine the bathroom will take around half a day since it's tiny, but the kitchen is a floor to ceiling beast, complete with border that I anticipate taking a long time, and a LOT of elbow grease. And this is a rent house. Why? I don't even own this place why do I care about the walls??? Oh I wish I could stop myself sometimes.

2) The RAT! - This story is very long and painful to write about, so I will save it for my next post...*shudder*

3) Ike - So....I'm from a small west Texas town where we get little to no rain, the very occasional (like 3 in my lifetime) tornado, but most frequently DUST STORMS. So I guess the wind didn't surprise me, but the whole no power for 8 days thing kind of did. Thank God we were blessed with a cold front, I don't know that we would have survived that well without being able to just go outside and cool down. I also have to seriously thank my dear friend Chelsea and her lovely fiance for letting me and the hubby hang out with them and their electricity EVERY night. We had a week's worth of dinner and a movie dates with them and it was so much fun! I have never seen so many collapsed trees, it was truly a wild ordeal that unfortunately is far from over. We were very lucky that none of the trees that fell over near our house hit the roof, a window, or either one of our cars. The dogs dealt with Ike like champs - totally unfazed. Seriously, Tele - the total Priss who won't go outside if the grass is even a bit dewy, sucked it up and actually went EXPLORING in the lake that was our backyard - the husband and I were totally floored by this! We went out of town this weekend for a friend's wedding and came back last night to electricity! And a house that was 62 degrees, lol.

4) KNITTING! - Since this is a knitting blog, guess I should actually talk shop a little. I FINALLY cast off the green Hoover blanket! I have some ends to weave in, and I'm considering adding a crochet edge for stability like the pattern suggests...but I think it's ADORABLE as is! I need to block it...I'm pretty excited to see it all blocked and finished. Also, so exciting - on our way to the wedding this weekend I cast on the 2nd Hoover Blanket for Krystal's soon to be born son! I know, I know, it should be all done and ready for his arrival - but apparently I suck with a deadline. Sorry Krystal. I'm gonna knit knit knit away and hopefully Jax will be enjoying the blanket by the time the cooler weather comes.

Fun stuff - another busy busy week ahead and then hopefully we can back to some semblance of normalcy.

1 comment:

Krystal Carroll said...

Hey Girl! So glad you posted on my blog... been meaning to email you to get your link again. SO CUTE! ~ We need to see pics of the house! I'm glad you guys are back to normal... but I hate to hear about the wallpaper. I spent many a nights helping my mom scrape that stuff! ~ Can't wait to see Jax's blanket!!!
Love ya - Krystal